Erebus & Kor Phaeron Unleashed

I don’t collect Word Bearers. I most likely never will collect Word Bearers. But bugger me do these models from Forge World look good! These leaked photos aren’t brilliant so don’t do the models justice, but they still look amazing. Yearning…

ODAM 8 – Now with Added Content

I’m not quite sure what happened with Episode 8. We were reduced to a skeleton crew either due to scheduling conflicts or Ashley not getting her emails. The result? Content. Now you all know how I feel about talking about actual things so I was eternally grateful when...

A Tale of Two Armies

Followers on Twitter will have gotten wind by now that Lee (@leefaccini) and I will be setting sail for the Olde World after a break of a fair few years. Rather than run the risk of starting with great gumption and fizzling out after gathering too many models and...

Space Marines Teaser

Another release, another teaser less than a week before release. No point in belly aching about it though, it’s Space Marines so we all know the money will magically come from somewhere. It may be instead of the food shop or the kid’s new shoes though…

Supplement Space Marine Codices Covers Leaked

  Although initially only available as digital downloads, they’ll be out in hardcopy December/January time. I’ll be honest, I kinda want them all… White Scars Ultramarines Salamanders Raven Guard Iron Hands Imperial Fists