by Mart | Jan 13, 2013
Phhhhhhht Well I have completed my first model, I have messed and messed with this model, it may not look like it, but i have. Basically working out how to do the armour quickly, getting the base right etc etc. And because I have been looking at Mk6 armour alot I got...
by Mart | Dec 12, 2012
Im really gutted look what came in the post: I rang them up about the jump pack, but I hadnt quite realised how bad the main bit was. I will show them these pics and hopefully get a decent one sent.
by Mart | Dec 11, 2012
Word. Right I finally started these pappies. I built one and to be honest I was a little disappointed. I think SM have got a little dated looking, not very dynamic and kind of squashed. I searched the web and found that by adding a little GS to the joints including...
by Mart | Dec 9, 2012
This is the list I think I like, please feel free to comment, its main aim is speed. Captain Thunderhammer Jump Pack 155 Ass Marines (10) flamer Power fist 220 Tac Rines (10) Melta Gun Plasma Cannon Power...
by Mart | Dec 8, 2012
Yo Im blogging with the biggest, dirtiest hangover I have had for a long time (work do!) but aside from that Im making the extra effort to make a MASSIVE thank you to Neil, someone I have never met but made time and generously sent me the Raven Guard transfers. TBH...