The Fallen Moon – Page 2 (Art Monday)

 This is page 2 of a 25 page story. This was a fun layout as I managed to get away from conventional layouts. And panels, for the most part. Looks like I was really showing my Simonson influence rather heavily on this page with that explosion. I cringe a bit...

Termagant Fun! (Part 2)

 All this attention brought on by the Warhammer 40,000 9th edition Codex: Tyranids shifted my attention back to these little bugs (for a few moments anyway). As stated last time I want to use the same scheme as I employ on my Genestealers. And the best way to...

The Fallen Moon page 1 (Art Monday)

 Alright, here's what some of you have been waiting for. I have mentioned this project over the years and more specifically in my write-up regarding the aborted BMQ fanzine I was involved in back in the late '90s. This was intended to be a feature that...

Wounded Guardsman (Objective Marker)

 Wounded Guardsman Objective.After a few games of Warhammer 40,000 9th edition it has became apparent that I needed to make some proper Objective Markers. There are some that I started many years ago using the 3rd Edition Space Hulk objectives that I just never...

Two Servo Skulls (Art Monday)

 I found these two lurking in the margins of another illustration. I recall that at the time I was experimenting with ink washes for the tones on these things. I drew these right when Warhammer 40,000 3rd edition launched and the art style in the 3rd edition...