Blood Axe Kommandos (Art Monday)

 Hello, and welcome back to Art Mondays where I show off some of the 40k fan art I produced over 20 years ago.  Today's a special one, as it is still one of my personal favorites from that time.  This is my illustration of a Blood Axe Kommando team...

Deathwatch Veteran Bikers

 Let's kick this New Year off right! This was a fun unit to build and make ready for war: it's the Deathwatch Veteran Bikers. While digging though my bits collection I discovered I had enough remnants of a few Space Marine Bikes to make a squad. My original...

Charging Squat (Art Monday)

 It's Monday, and here's some old art of mine. This one was published in Inquisitor Magazine #15 for their Warhammer 40,000 2nd Edition army list. He was featured on the Wargear Cards page. This is one of my favorites from the bunch even though it comes off...

2021 Year In Review

 What a wild year this has been. But I got some hobby stuff done. In the 2020 Review I committed myself to try to clear things out of my queue. I was more successful than I wasn't but I did add a few things also. What follows is a gallery with links of...

Deathwatch Squad Crull (Part 1)

Sgt Crull.Squad Crull, the second squad of Deathwatch Veterans to join my Deathwatch force, comes straight from the Death Masque boxed set. I decided to build these guys exactly as they were kitted out in the Forces Of The Deathwatch section of the Death Masque...