The White Squat (Art Monday)

 Welcome back to Art Monday. This is another Squat image that was published in Inquisitor Magazine #15 for their Squat army list issue. This one was featured in the front of the article. I was fairly pleased with it. The pose of this guy is similar to the...

Hearthguard with Meltagun (Art Monday)

 It's Art Monday time again. This is another Squat drawn for intended use for Inquisitor Magazine's featured Squat army list that was published in issue #15. But it didn't make the cut. It's a shame because I really liked this one. It was the smallest...

Termagant fun! (Part 1)

 After painting the dead tyranids (or, um,  parts thereof) for my Deathwatch Venerable Dreadnought, I had the itch to paint a few more nids.  Maybe I just needed a break from painting black armor?I looked at what I had here in Unicoi and found that I...

Harlequin vs. Squats (Art Monday)

 Greetings, sorry about missing Art Monday these past few weeks, life* happens. Anyway, here's a piece I got kick out of creating way back in the mid '90s.  I love a good action scene and I really wanted to show an Eldar Harlequin in action. This was...

Review: Harlequin

Original mass market edition. This is a review of the 1st edition of Ian Watson's Harlequin.  The first edition was published by Boxtree in 1994. It was republished by Black Library around 2000-2001, but with editorial changes that were not approved by...