Blood Axe Boys (Part 4)

 It's been too long since I last paid attention to these guys, and even longer since I started them! With the release of the 2021 Ork Codex I have been itching to get back to my Orks, and these guys in particular.  I absolutely love the original Orks. Yeah,...

Herald of Slaanesh (Part 1)

Now this is a classic miniature!OK, yes, actually they both are.This pic was taken back in 2017. Since then the one on the left has  been painted.  I bought both of these miniatures at the same time to be used as either a Seductress or a Herald. I...

Termagant with Strangleweb (Art Monday)

 Welcome back to Art Monday where I show off some of the 40k themed art that I produced in the '90s. Unlike most of the art I have been showing off here, this piece was actually published. It appeared in Inquistior Magazine #14. This was a more...

War of Attrition

 After the success of last week's game, the stars aligned to again allow Da Masta Cheef and I to play another game at the 750 point level. Only this time I wanted to play something totally different as the marines just didn't satisfy me enough to run that same...

Slann Warrior (Art Monday)

 This is an unpublished piece drawn back in 1995. I think I drew this originally as part of a submission pack for The Dark Library fanzine who were working on their version of a Slann codex. I missed out on that somehow but I still ended up with this fun piece...