Cursed City progress

 I've made a bit of progress on my cursed city set.  Everything is assembled and I've basically finished the skeletons.  The zombies have zenital highlights and I've primed almost everything else.Read more »

Warhammer Quest Cursed City

 Today’s the big day to preorder. I haven’t decided if I want to try for the online promo, the GW in store promo or FLGS route. Will have to rearrange my shelf though...

Crypt hunters finished

I’m calling these guys done now. Just some simple table top level paints and back into the box. Unfortunately the basing material I put on the bases means they don’t all fit nicely into the tray provided, so I may end up having to design and 3D print...

A little work on Crypt Hunters

Working on getting this set done using mostly Contrast paints for a quick table top level paint job.  Better to be painted quickly than not painted at all. 

Catching up with Underworlds

 Well, it’s been a year. I haven’t gotten much painting done but am trying to catch up before Direchasm gets released. These guys have been slowly coming along, and I'm at the point where I've decided to move on to Rippa's Snarlfangs.So going to try and...