WIP: Some Elves for Blood Bowl

I got a copy of the new Blood Bowl box set. The new miniatures are really nice for the Humans and Orks. However, I'm more of a Wood Elven fan. And I remembered the Wood Elves Fantasy Football Team I got from Greebo Games a few years back.I painted one as a test model...

Slow Burn League: Tyranids Tervigon

Not much hobbying done of late due to being under the weather. Just recovering from a small bout of Nurgle's "blessings". Good thing there are no mutations haha! But no Feel no Pain either. Decided to get back in the painting saddle with my Tervigon. This will be for...

Tyranids WIP: Xenomorph Carnifex

I'll be playing the Tyranids in the upcoming Apocalypse battle with the gaming group. I assembled and primed lots of Nids. The aim is to at least basecoat the models for some colors hehe! But I did take a break and experimented with something I wanted to add on to the...

WIP: Flesh Tearers Vet Sgt

I finally had a game this weekend at the local game shop Titan Games. It was blast! A very close game which saw us both just throw our units in charging headlong into close combat. My opponent was playing the new Khorne Daemonkin and it was exciting throughout.I...