P3 Grandmaster Diorama – "Contract Renegotiation" Part 3

With the wall and floor established and an antagonist/protagonist relationship realized it was important to address the room "décor" that will tell the rest of the story and provide supporting information about the characters and events.Gorman is an alchemist...

P3 Grandmaster Diorama – "Contract Renegotiation" Part 2

Welcome back to my articles on building my P3 Grand Masters Competition Winning Diorama! Having gathered my plans and reference, and roughly laying out my key pieces to help me visualize  and plan the overall size/spacing of my elements the next step was to start...

P3 Grandmaster Diorama – "Contract Renegotiation" Part 1

So I competed last summer in the Privateer Press P3 Grandmaster Painting Competition and placed first in diorama. (YAY!) This was a pretty big moment for me as, despite my past golden demons etc,. this was my first outing with the P3 and to place on my first time out...

2015 plans and starting process!

SO, Here we go again! Model building in 2015 is starting to take shape for me mentally and the plans are flowing faster than I can possibly build - but hey that's half the fun right? I have a few specific goals this year: 1. Return to Gencon, Compete P3 again. -...