SNOW BASE TUTORIAL – Little Red Wagon of DOOOOM! Part 2

You asked for it so I'm Bringin' the snow!In honor of the holiday - whether your Christmas was white and snowy or not! How to make Really nice snow bases, quick, easy and inexpensive (to be followed by another post on ways that are more technical and/or...

Little Red Wagon of DOOOOM! Part 1

Khador Gun Carriage Part 1So my friend Erik somehow keeps roping me into painting models for him instead of for myself ;P If you look back through the blog (try clicking the Warmahordes  or Khador label on the right hand side of your screen) you can also see...

Quick Model Review: Hordes Trollkin FennBlades

So, as reported I have stumbled down the path of madness adding another faction to my regular play stable - in this case branching out from my tried and true Warmachine Mercs into Hordes Trolls! The weird thing with the troll models I have worked on to date is...