Cadian Shock 2023 Review

Approximate Reading Time: 4 minutes Another year of the Cadian Shock Blog is complete! It was an odd year that started with loads of individual characters because of not knowing how Warhammer 40K 10th Edition would shape up. During this time, I decided to go into 30K...

Cadian Centaur Light Carrier Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 2 minutes Another Forgeworld classic rolls off the painting production line, the Centaur Light Carrier. Centaur Light Carrier Extras There are several extras on this Centaur which I thought worth covering briefly here: I added some...

Cadian Atlas Recovery Vehicle Completed

Approximate Reading Time: < 1 A Forgeworld classis is complete today, a Cadian Atlas Recovery Vehicle. The Atlas is now Legends, but I am sure it will get a run out at some point in a Narrative game. Atlas Recovery Vehicle Centaur Extras There are a couple of...

Iron Warriors Contemptor Dreadnoughts Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes These are my first ever Dreadnoughts, 2x Iron Warriors Contemptors for use with my new 30K force. I have gone for an anti-vehicle and an anti-infantry loadout. Iron Warriors Contemptor Dreadnoughts – Weathering This article...

Iron Warriors Tactical Marines Completed

Approximate Reading Time: 3 minutes My first ten Iron Warriors Tactical Marines, are done! There are many more to come, at least 50 I should think. Next on the list for my 30K Iron Warriors are 2x Contemptor Dreadnoughts. Updated Iron Warriors Tactical Marines Methods...