Behemoth WIP – Flawless Victory

Behemoth WIP – Flawless Victory

That's right, I'm excited enough to use Zelda sounds. My charity project is done!I promised you guys I'd try to capture the effects of the preshading, but I just can't grab it in an entire picture. So here is a look at the highlighting on his left shoulder. I love how...
Behemoth WIP – The Writing on the Rock

Behemoth WIP – The Writing on the Rock

Work continued on the Behemoth. I finished up the metals without messing up which was a huge relief after all the cleanup I was having to do last night. After that I went over all the metals with a careful application of black wash [and forgot to take a photo,...
Behemoth WIP – Overt Subtlety

Behemoth WIP – Overt Subtlety

There's nothing like my back telling me I can't paint to make me really want to paint. After years of back problems I finally herniated a disc a few weeks ago, so I've been watching several primed models taunt me for some time (plus a few future commissions I...

"Battle for Hope" Charity Event

Just as I was preparing to send off my charity army to Clash for a Cure and pretend that I could take a break from painting, I received a surprising email yesterday. Battle for Hope is doing a similar charity event at the end of the year, and one of the...