Campaign – The Diabolus Incursion! — Introduction

I've had an itch to do something a little looser and a little more story driven than random pick up games, league games or a tournament.  So, a campaign seemed in order.  I didn't want to make it too big, as such campaigns seem to fall apart.  I didn't want to just...
Lex Luthor 40K

Lex Luthor 40K

When I was looking for Superman Heroclix images I saw a cool Lex Heroclix in prison orange, so I thought I might as well do up Kal-El’s nemesis while I’m at it.  He would have to be Supes’s opposite of course: all brains, no brawn.  So here’s my fun little...
Superman 40K

Superman 40K

Every once in a while I entertain myself by converting superheroes into 40K characters.  I've actually done up the X-men and Avengers on this blog, and yesterday I somehow got inspired to play with Superman this way.  (Keep in mind, this is just for the fun...
New Years Soul Reapers codex update

New Years Soul Reapers codex update

Happy New Year people! With a new year we need an updated new version of the Soul Reapers Codex. There are lots of subtle changes. The biggest change is the removal of the Cohort Tactics from the individual Characters and made a coherent centralized listing for them....
Happy Chaos-giving!

Happy Chaos-giving!

In honor of our American holiday celebrating unintended consequences, I bring you a guest article written by Arch-Heretic Pete:Five Step Chaos Program            Let me be clear right up front.  I love the...