REVISED revised Challenge Rules: take two

So my previous attempt was quite a mouthful and hard to chew.  so hard that folks never got it broken down enough to swallow it. and I can certainly see their point.  I tend to get a little carried away sometimes.  … Continue reading →The post REVISED...

House Rules: Suggested Challenges for 6th Ed 40K

I spent two days working on this; once I got started I was obsessed with hammering it out.  This is a long and exhaustive blog entry but hopefully worth while and not too confusing for any non-neophyte 40K players out … Continue reading →The post House...

Korgor The Bloodmad

Crushed skulls count as well.Korgor the Bloodmad…………………………165 pointsKorgor the Bloodmad is a Khornate daemon bound in the hull of an Ironclad Dreadnought captured by the World Eaters warband known as Kylar’s Chosen.             ...

House Rules: Revised Challenges for 6th Ed 40K

I spent two days working on this; once I got started I was obsessed with hammering it out.  This is a long and exhaustive blog entry but hopefully worth while and not too confusing for any non-neophyte 40K players out there.  If you are as confused or...

2013 House Rules

Been having a good think about the house rules and have taken into account  our group's points of view and I think the below is what we should try for a while. The "vision" with these rules is that they are only limitations and not changes therefore making any...