Relictors Terminator Chaplain Tarentus – Chaplain #11

Hello Readers, thanks for dropping by. I have a great love for Space Marine Chaplains, I have numerous Chaplains, old and new, and this is my third Terminator Chaplain after the Limited Edition Terminator Chaplain and the original metal Terminator Chaplain.Chaplain...

MIGAWKA – 2024

A quick report from the 2nd edition of the figurine painting competition in Łódź, which took place on April 20, 2024.Szybka relacja z 2 edycji konkursu malarstwa figurkowego w Łodzi, który odbył się 20 kwietnia 2024 roku. READ MORE »

Emperor’s Children Commander

Painting up this command for the Emperor's Children was a good exploration of how to use (and not use) purple colours. Originally I thought about going for a bit more of a metallic sheen, but in the end the purple that came out was not metallic whatsoever. I'm comfy...