by Zweischneid | Jan 13, 2013
Summary: The latest White Dwarf’s battle report really pushes the idea of “narrative gaming”. Yet it does so in an oddly uneven manner. No narrative is actually shown. No hooks are given to inspire people to make their own narratives for their...
by Big Jim | Nov 27, 2012
Hey guys, it's time to announce the info for the next BAO narrative event. Tickets go on sale soon, I believe Friday, but could be wrong. 2013 Bay Area Open Narrative event: Raid on Persiet VParticipants will help decided the fate of an Imperial Hive world and a...
by Big Jim | Nov 10, 2012
Here is a repost of the question I asked yesterday on the Frontline gaming site. Please vote, but only if you plan on attending event.Hey everyone, we’re gearing up for the BAO 2013, and will have all the pertinent information up by the end of the month. Big Jim, the...