On the Boil: New Oldhammer Blogs

Rogue Trader Space Marine - by Quindia StudiosGood morning all! Now as many of you know, from time to time I like to share some of the great Oldhammer blogs and groups I stumble across. In truth, I haven't actually done much Oldhammering lately, largely due to the...
On The Boil: Curtis Fell’s RoC Warband Experiences

On The Boil: Curtis Fell’s RoC Warband Experiences

Curtis's Tzeentch warband in all its glory. One of the more rewarding aspects of being a blogger is interacting with your readers. Its always a pleasure to read the emails you send me or the many Facebook messages. Occasionally, these discussions and...
On the Boil: Emails, Gifts and Great Links

On the Boil: Emails, Gifts and Great Links

The summer is nearly over and the stark reality of having to return to work looms large. Actually, I have already been into school to work with my colleagues on our classroom as well as sorting out a few details with the other teacher, Catherine, who I share a Year 2...