by KrautScientist | Mar 19, 2014
Hey everyone, KrautScientist here. Today, I'd like to talk about a problem we all know. I'd also like to tell you my personal solution to this problem and take the opportunity to show off some models. So what is this about? Step this way to find out!Now we all get the...
by TJ Atwell | Dec 8, 2013
TJ here with a tutorial that is geared toward not just Speedpainting Daemons (or anything else really fleshy), but speedpainting for quality. A lot of people see speedpainting and immediately just think "Crap" but it doesn't have to be that way. Recently, I painted up...
by Old School Terminator | Feb 21, 2013
Old School here with another update on the Building a Better Heldrake Project. Today we look at last night's progress. Basically, the readers digest version is that I painted the first layer of paint for the bones and the trim around the armor. For those of you who...