by Alex | Apr 15, 2012
Managed to sit down an wrap up this model over the weekend: The only thing interesting about the final steps on this guy was that I played around with Lahmian Medium to make a few glazes and washes. It pretty much works as advertised so I won't pontificate on it. ...
by Alex | Mar 26, 2012
The next step in my little painting experiment is trying a new technique for gold. I encourage you to read Luaby's post on this technique since he's far more knowledgeable about these matters than I am. For those of you too lazy to click the link here's the gist of...
by Alex | Mar 19, 2012
One of the casualties of last year's hobby-hiatus was the plastic Saurus hero that I bought to experiment on with some new (to me) painting techniques. Armed with my new Winsor & Newton Series 7's and needing a break from painting Temple Guard, it was time to get...
by Alex | Mar 17, 2012
Over the past week I put the final details on eight more Temple Guard, including the command group. Eight more of these guys to go, and the whole unit will be done. I might need a break before moving on to the final eight models. Temple Guard are time consuming due...
by Alex | Feb 17, 2012
I've always been a bit beguiled when it comes to painting weapon shafts - you know, spears, flails, etc. It's easy to do a simple highlight but with that large amount of blank, cylindrical space, I always felt that a wood grain texture gives the model more life. The...