Painting Update: My first Trukk

Hey guys, I just recently finished painting my Ork Trukk.  I am overall happy with the results, especially the red armor. This was actually the largest miniature I have ever painting, making me even happier with the results.I hope you like it: All the...

I’m back with a Sneaky Snikrot

Hey guys, been quite busy lately but managed to fit in a small post. I just newly painted my Boss Snikrot model from 2010 Christmas, and also made a light box to get better pics for the blog.Here it is!! I had trouble with lenses but they turned out fine in the end!!...

More Stuff Painted

I have returned from my trip, as promised, with more stuff painted.  I know that there will be a few people waiting for me to paint something other than Orks but I’m afraid that Orks will be my army for a while.What will I be painting in the next six...

AoBR Burnas

I made a huge noobish mistake last month,I bought a box of lootas and burnas, mad 2 lootas, 2 burnas and a burna mek (what the hell could they ever do in the game in such small numbers !!) I know it was really silly of me, so I tried converting AoBR boyz into another...

A Weekend of Orkyness

I'm sorry I've left the posting so, so, so (etc.) late. I've been so engrossed in painting my new boyz, not to mention the new display base I made. I also have been painting a couple of space marines given to me by my friend.  Here's a few photos. Keep in mind my...