Retribution of Scyrah – Test Model

Retribution of Scyrah – Test Model

This is my second, super small Warmachine army, the Retribution of Scyrah. Basically I wanted something as different as humanly possible as my Trolls to play on Warmachine. I figured since my Trolls were all about close combat and buffing I would choose a faction that...
Retribution of scyrah battlegroup starter box

Retribution of scyrah battlegroup starter box

I know, why so soon, right? Retribution is a bit behind the other factions as far as model count is concerned, but way ahead on awesomeness as far as I'm concerned. I recently got into Retribution as I really like the models and the fluff. I'm not hot on their jacks...

Hyperion, Assssssemmmmbbbllleeeeddddd!!!

After a bit of hobby work with a knife and a file, I got my Hyperion together! BLAM! Some tips on assembly The metal blades on the backs of the hands needed to be bent to fit in the slots The central dark grey piece where the main gun is needed a lot of work. The two...

Hyperion unboxing!

I know it's been a minute since I posted anything here, but I really have not been feeling tabletop games lately. With the disappointment of 40K 6th edition, followed by my inability to get any gaming time in for Warmachine, I have just been hit by the gaming...

Retribution Project

 I haven't exactly been updating my blog a whole lot lately. Between a trip to Africa and then moving to a new house as soon as we got back, I haven't had a whole lot of time for hobby stuff. This week I finally got my new painting desk set up and started working...