Apothecaries with Special Equipment Debate

Apothecaries with Special Equipment Debate

Clearly DOW got this one rightHey Everyone.Time to discuss a controversial rules discussion in the new Space Marine Codex.   Can apothecaries purchase special equipment in the new Space Marine Codex?Why is this important?  Well who wouldn't want 5 Grav...
New Space Marine FAQ

New Space Marine FAQ

Pretty self explanatory eh?Two updates to the new Space Marine codex.  If you would like to see them for yourself, they are located here.But in case you have no desire to link jump... here are the massive amounts of changes.1) Bike squads can swap out their bolt...

Last minute Adepticon FAQ changes

With just over three days left, Adepticon has released a new FAQ to fix some minor issues. The Adepticon FAQ can be found here.No major changes in this one, but here are the highlights:You can no longer have your int. dropped to zero by Soporific Musk.A Furioso...

Just Released, the Adepticon FAQ

With the release of 6th edition, the INAT FAQ that I have come to love, was put on the back burner.  The logic being that Games Workshop had been adequately developing new FAQs to answer all of the tricky questions which we have encountered during our games and...

Severe Weather Sharp Claw Rules

Retrieved from DakkadakkaHow about that generic non-copywrited name?  It is awesome.  After a long weekend, the real rules are finally starting to come out for the Severe Weather Sharp Claw and its larger cousin Severe Weather Black Bird.  I should...