S102: Case File- Chopper

++ Sector House 102 ++++ Attention all Units ++++ Subject: Chopper ++"Chopper has been seen entering over the Black Atlantic Wall. Any sightings are to be report immediately to Dredd"Unknown Justice Central Judge.Chopper was a typical MC-1 juve; bored and...

S102: Fluff- Part 2: The Undercity

Welcome Dredd-heads to another fluff update. This time we delve into a part of the Dredd verse I really enjoy, the Undercity! This article is based off a blog entry by Mongoose Publishing, but is also taken from Dredd sites all over the internet, so...

S102. Case File: Orlok the Assassin

++ Sector House 102 ++++ All Channel Emergency Broadcast ++++ Subject: Orlok the Assassin ++"Emergency broadcast on all channels. Be on the look out for an armed assailant. Considered to be extremely dangerous and if encountered executed with extreme...