Hey everybody long time no see.
It's been a while since my last post,I have alot to show you guys.
I was working on my modest Grey Knights army until I got to the Inquisitor,then things started getting out of hand.
The retinue is getting quite large now at least 50 strong.
Truth be told I have been wanting to do the Inquisition proper since I first started modeling,since it was the Eisenhorn Omnibus that got me back into 40k in the first place.
I plan on making many Inquisitors and thier retinues,possibly even a evil Radical when the starter cultists come out.
So to start with a bang some of the retinue I have lifted from Dan Abnetts various Inquisitor books.
Without further ado

Harlon Nayl

Kara Swole

Godwyn Fishig

Zeph Mathuin

Inquisitor Golesh Constatin Pheppos Heldane



Alisebeth Bequin