Hey guys, picking up where I left off last week, I have made some serious progress on the model I want to stand in as a Tzeentch Daemon Prince or Greater Daemon in my games. This guy is coming along pretty well, so let's take a look at what went into him so far.

First up, the model itself is the upper half of the Tomb Kings Necrosphinx model (I think that's what it is called) and a foam armature I made and scuplted over with miliput. The arms come from the Daemon Prince kit. The wings were the original model's arm blades. I simply glued them onto the back of the model for a cool take on wings.

 I like the new love affair Phil Kelley has with giving Tzeentch units flames (though gameplay-wise, I am not so sure, but anyway). That being said, I wanted this model to have a lot of flames, including this one that is half sculpt/ half Chaos Warshrine flame.

Then there is the staff which is bashed together from the Horror kit and the Daemon Prince kit. I am debating whether or not to keep the middle finger up on this model's hand ... it isn't disturbing or anything, but I guess it is kind of ridiculous.

I had to go back into the miliput work (and will do so again tonight) to fix the robes and smooth out some areas. I did it with GS as it really fills gaps better without getting to soft and forming a new gap.

There is that finger again ... and to think, I am making this model because I don't like the bird (bad jake, I know).

Last but not least, when I get the base in from Ironheart Artisans, I will finish off the bottom of the robe and mount the model to take advantage of the motion I have sculpted into the bottom half.

Anyway, that's it for now. I look forward to unleashing more hobby on you soon, though so stay tuned. As always, please let me know what you think of my latest efforts.