That's right folks, we just got in our order of Raging Heroes, and boy are these minis HOT.

All our pre-orders are filled with the shipment we received, and the rest are available NOW!

These minis are 28mm scale, and make great stand ins for games like Infinity,  Warmachine / Hordes, and even Warhammer 40k / Fantasy.

You can checkout all the great sculpts HERE on our webstore.

Asharah HEROIC (28mm) - Anniversary Edition
Asharah LEGENDARY (54 mm) - Limited Edition
Eleriel & Alaniel 28mm - Standard Bearers
Syl-Iriah HEROIC
Kahn-Urkan LEGENDARY with Bat Wings
Kahn-Urkan HEROIC with Bat wings
Tree warriors
Asharah SF (28mm)
Kapitan Ivanka Kurganova (28mm)
Gluttony Fantasy HEROIC size
Gluttony Science-Fiction HEROIC size
Cyberwolf Pack Leader
Cyberwolves Pack
Gormakk ORC Warmaster - Fantasy
Gormakk ORC Warmaster - Science-Fiction
Shedu / Sphinx head
Blood Vestals (Command Group) - Fantasy
Blood Vestals (Troops) - Fantasy
Blood Vestals Command – SF – Standard Edition (METAL)
Blood Vestals Command – SF – Collector's Edition (RESIN)
Blood Vestals Troops – SF – Standard Edition (METAL)
Blood Vestals Troops – SF – Collector's Edition (RESIN)
Gluttony Fantasy LEGENDARY size
Gluttony Science-Fiction LEGENDARY size
Mantis - Box of 10 – Standard Edition (METAL)
Mantis - Box of 10 – Collector's Edition (RESIN)
Mantis Command Group Accessories' Kit (METAL)
Mantis Command Group Accessories' Kit (RESIN)
Skaryaa the Blood Mistress
Kommander Malinka Kurganova
Admiral Olga Kurganova
The Kurganovas Limited Edition Box
Gretchen von Königsmark
Hildegard von Königsmark
Brunhilde von Königsmark
The von Königsmark Limited Edition Box