Yes, in a community that explodes whenever Games Workshop gets up to scratch its balls, the story of a person (man) pretending to be an attractive woman who plays Warhammer 40k gets a reaction I can most closely replicate as 'meh'. Check out the Dakka Dakka thread here where BolingbrokeIV spills the juicy details in this strange and twisted story,
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about (i.e. you don't waste your time listening to 40k podcasts or reading online 40k forums) Christina Campbell was a 'woman' who joined the 40k podcast Deepstrike Radio after an on air interview where she apparently detailed her near death experience and her new found love for all things 40k. I was actually aware of her through The Independent Characters' (another 40k podcast) Facebook page, where she was an avid poster. I believe I actually checked out her profile once, thinking she looked a lot like the actress that plays the secretary in The Office and now that I think of it, those might have been the actual actress' pictures....
Hello, I'm Christina..err..Erin..err..Mike
A couple of weeks ago, Christina Campbell died. Remember that previous near death experience? Well, it finally got the best of her and she died suddenly. There was much wailing and lamenting from the 40k community. We lost one of our unicorns! We only have like, two left (that I'm aware of). How unfair for us! That could have been the end of it.....
Soon, several 40k podcasters got together to host a memorial show where many fond memories of hearing her voice were conveyed. Christina's grieving widow, Alexander, was interviewed and two tearful hours later the 40k community was silently cursing all of the dust in their mom's basement. That could have been the end of it.....
A few days ago, Deepstrike Radio posted a message on their blog stating that Christina Campbell was not dead. In fact, Christina Campbell never existed at all! What about her grieving widow? Alexander? He was also fictitious, and most likely was the same person who had claimed to be Christina Campbell in the first place. How could this happen? Remember, Deepstrike Radio is a podcast that uses dial in hosts from around the world. Many people had claimed that her voice sounded a reasoned it was her computer's microphone causing the distortion. All traces of Christina Campbell have disappeared. Her Facebook profile has been deleted, as has her friend's (fake) and family's (fake). Needless to say, all of those involved are highly embarrassed and are hoping the story blows over. The fact is, this is the most amazing story that has involved our strange, niche 40k community in quite some time. Some person (man) went through a LOT of trouble to troll the wargaming podcast community....and completely pulled it off. So, Christina Campbell, wherever you are...a tip of the so...