Storm Talon conversion to helicopter.

Spellduckwrong here. Well, over the last few days I managed to get a project out of my system. I had been wanting to convert a Storm Talon into a helicopter for months now. Being an Eldar player, however, I did not want to drop the money to get a kit I would never use. One night at the FLGS, a brave soul named Luke just handed me his and told me to do it. That solved that problem. Also, thankfully I had an old WWII model plane in my closet from years ago that had been collecting dust. It was promply sacrificed to the bitz gods and this was my reward. Not bad for my first vehicle conversion, if I do say so myself. Now if I can only get the owner to switch to the Raptors Space Marine chapter, this thing will match the rest of its brothers in arms. I've got some unpainted WIP shots I can post up too, if anyone cares to see them.