Crazy busy week once again, however I was able to squeeze in a little more painting time on the Iron Hands here and there and they're really starting to look like something at this point! Still another session or two to go however, need to highlight and shadow the bases and add in the squad markings on the knees and greaves. Once that's done they'll get a hit of sealant and then I'll add the waterslide clan markings to the right shoulder pads. Not far from the finish line!

Having gotten that far I decided to reward myself with a little build time and banged together the pair of Sicaran tanks. The kits went together like a dream - by far the easiest FW build I've done in a long, long time. Looking at the pics it appears I need to give the cannon barrels another hot water bend treatment, but other than that they're pretty much ready for the paint stage. Really looking forward to putting a brush to 'em!

The side sponsons are once again magnetized for transport and damage mitigation, and I added a tank commander to one of the turrets to represent Spearhead Centurion Castrman Orth - he's very similar to Sergeant Chronos in 40k, it seems. He grants the tank BS5 and tank hunters which coupled with the 6x Str 7 Rending shots the Accelerator Autocannons put out makes it hell on light vehicles and potentially even to the AV14 so prevalent on the 30k battlefields!