Hello to everyone.
 The past week GW announced the publication of a new magazine named Warhammer: Vision, along with changes on the White Dwarf. Of course, this is not the subject I'm going to write about. This Monday, while [supposedly] working, I was thinking how awesome Thunderwolves cavalry is (I truly hope my boss isn't a fan of the blog); alas you can't put them in a competitive list...

I like to use the TWC in my fun list. Two full squads with a Wolf lord, fully loaded, as follows:

     * Wolf Lord 
        2x Fenrisian Wolf
            Power Fist , Runic Armour, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf

    * Wolf Lord
        2x Fenrisian Wolf
            Power Fist , Runic Armour, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf
    * Thunderwolf Cavalry
        * 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
            3x Storm Shield

    * Thunderwolf Cavalry
        * 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
            3x Storm Shield


These units cost around 1100P. That's a lot of points, esp. considering that is the 2/3 of your army points. This Deathstar is sadly a fallen star, as to actually contribute they have to cross the battlefield and engage in melee combat. It is certain that they will die, long before they show their teeth. As any enemy with a lot of fire, not necessary with low AP, will do the job. Lets say that 3 x 10 men Space Marines have 30 Bolter gun shots, statistically the cavalry will suffer 3 wounds for the cost of a mere 400P. 

So I was thinking: how can I bring them closer to they enemy? And that's when it came to me: Cypher + infiltration. Using infiltration you only have 18", between you and the enemy, to cross. Then I realized, I have 2 squads of TWC with their Lords. The second IC with infiltration that came to my mind was Karandras, the Eldar Phoenix Lord. I was happy to find a way to field my TWC with infiltration, but soon I realized that Space Wolves and Eldar aren't Battle Brothers and an Eldar IC cannot join a Space Wolves unit. That was a bummer...

I then started to search every SW Battle Brothers codex to find a suitable one. The only two that I found were Sicarius that could only use infiltrate on one Tactical squad and Shrike who has infiltration, but can begin the game only with  jump pack units. So I was in a dead end, till I saw the Raven Guard Chapter Tactics. It doesn't have infiltrate but gives scout and stealth, which means +12" in the beginning of the game and +1 cover. Which further means you can have a Chapter Master in a bike and give them scout and even exchange one of your Wolf lords with him.

Space Wolves
+ HQ +

    * Wolf Lord
        2x Fenrisian Wolf
           Frost Blade, Runic Armour, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf

+ Elites +

    * Wolf Guard Pack
        * Drop Pod
            3x Combi Melta
+ Troops +

    *2x Grey Hunters Pack
        * 5x Grey Hunter

+ Fast Attack +

    * 2x Thunderwolf Cavalry
        * 5x Thunderwolf Cavalry
            3x Storm Shield

Space Marines

+ HQ +

    * Chapter Master
        Artificer Armor, Bike, Relic Blade, Storm Shield
    * Command Squad
        5x Grav-gun, Space Marine Bikes, 5x Veteran
        * Apothecary
+ Troops +

    * Scout Squad
        Scout Sergeant, 4x Scouts

    *Cypher:the Lord of Fallen
[Wolf tip: remember you cannot assault in the first turn, if your unit has use infiltrate or scout.]

This is my idea for the TWC list that I am working on this week. I would like to hear your opinion on my list and if someone has the opportunity try it and tell me your feedback. I hope this list helps the TWC go wild and "return" to the competitive 40k game.

Until next time remember Prospero and....