A Time to catch up with life...

Man it’s been a while since I showed this blog any love. This winter sucked hard. My seasonal depression hit me the hardest it’s ever done before.  Life changes so fast it’s impossible to catch up. My 2 (all)day jobs have been exploding making my already long work week, even longer. My son is growing like a weed, which is killing me because I feel like I’m missing out on his childhood by working so much, but I can’t do anything about that ATM unfortunately. Thank God I get the weekend to be with him.

On top of that, I learned a valuable lesson on being a commission painter. As soon as you take something you love and monetize it, it becomes work. It becomes another deadline and another level of anxiety to cope with. The shitty thing is, being a paid artist with depression/anxiety issues means that I cannot take medication. I’ve tried before and all it did was fog my head up so much that I couldn’t do my job. It’s hard to be creative and think “outside-the-box” when you have a blanket wrapped around your brain. So I (and my forgiving wife) just have to deal with my ups and downs and find creative outlets for me to work with to level my emotions out.

This is where I get to the point. In an attempt to reignite the creative juices and shake off some of this doldrum I’ve gotten myself into; I started digging projects out that I haven’t finished yet and am officially putting them back on the table.  I fell in love with these unfinished projects again and am itching to make more progress on them.

Plus a whole Vampire Counts army I haven't even taken any pictures of yet!

Well, wish me luck. Hopefully I can get them all done in 2014.

Sidenote: My amateur sci-fi/horror/elecktronik music project is still going strong. New tracks loaded up weekly. Check it out