The model I posted a preview of days ago is now mostly complete, mostly…

It is an updated version of a Knight Warden, the first Knightly model for my own Mechanicum-aligned Knight Household (yet-to-be-named). This is one of those moments where I am happy to be standing on the shoulders of giants.

I'd like to thank Clarence Harrison, who runs the excellent Quindia Studios blog. While I was working on the two Knights for Hank, I was wondering how I could build a Warden reminiscent of the classic Epic model above. In stepped Clarence with this post HERE.

He followed it up with this excellent post HERE, where he detailed how he built his great Warden.

And now he's painting it! All very cool.

The Knight Warden below is my version. Almost identical, but with a few twists of my own.

I'm planning on sorting out a few "sculpted" icons for the greaves, and for the shoulder plates on my Paladin and Errant. More on that later.