As I was gathering together base samples to take with me to Reapercon, it was then that I realized just how many bases I had created!

Keep in mind, I forgot that a slew of snow bases was still downstairs, not included in any of these photos.  This first group shows the forest and swamp bases.  Most of them were created using Apoxy Sculpt with a touch of green stuff.

Another view.  In addition to the other clays, I used some sculpey and even cork.

These are the kinds of bases that will be the focus of the basing class.  That would be the marble, tile and cobblestone variety.

Here we have a number  of complex bases.  The Demon Marble bases and Mosaic tile... each with their own 100 minute video!

Plus, we have some old movement trays that I made for my Lizardman army.  All made from sculpey.

An overhead shot of the collection.

A slightly better view of the Lizard theme sculpey.

A bigger shot of the whole group.  There are even some Ice/crystal bases and wood planks.

Ground level!  The bases in the middle are from the Sci-fi series.

Happy bunnies at easter with special treats!!!

Close up on the mosaic tiles.  They are very fun, but also far too complex to tackle in such a short period as the class.  That's why I did the videos. :-)