Tesla in his workshop.

I'm very excited : )

I just wrapped up a great chat with an excellent guy who has a clear vision and a passion for quality. Via the wonders of modern technology, I was able to sit down at my desk in my basement in Baltimore, Maryland, sip on a coffee and talk with James Griffiths (of Infamy Miniatures) in his flat in Nottingham, England. 

What were we talking about? Well, secret stuff of course, but suffice to say that Dave Taylor Miniatures will be working on some fun stuff with Infamy Miniatures over the next few months. 

I recently interviewed James for a Wargames Illustrated article that will appear in the July issue, and it was during this interview that I really locked on to what it is about James' range of steampunk miniatures that I love. For many, the steampunk aesthetic is about the stylish inclusion of a cog (or seven) into a Victorian costume. For James it's a much more practical aesthetic where function is just important as form (if not more so). If the cog serves no purpose, it is unnecessary. If it's and integral part of an important, or even indulgent, functional mechanism (a cigar-rolling mechanism inside a top hat may have been discussed) then by all means include the mechanism.

Anyway, the real purpose of this post is to encourage you all to head on over to the Infamy Miniatures' Facebook page and click on the 'Like' button (should you be into Facebook and cool miniatures, that is). Do it soon too, as this Saturday James will be selecting a winner from among the many folks who like his page. Not only could you win a great selection of Infamy miniatures, but the person who recommended you like the page will win the Uberprize. In this case, of course, that would be me! This Uberprize has been growing over the last few weeks, and contains lots of fun models, excellent artwork prints, and special bits and pieces. 

So, if you'd like to help me out, and possibly win some goodies of your own, get on over to FB and 'Like' Infamy Miniatures.

Here are some other cool images I managed to wrestle away from James. Enjoy!

 The concept drawing for one of Tesla's technological marvels.

 Crimelord of the Docklands, The Toad, painted by John Keys.

 Big Ben, under construction. I just love the visual feel of Infamy's London!