“When the traitor's hand strikes, it strikes with the strength of a legion.”

Here’s a lovely project I’ve been working on in conjunction with my current commissions.

This Forge World Kit is a beauty albeit, a bit troublesome to put together in a few areas. Nothing some persistence and putty can’t fix.

I went a bit nuts on the brass etched SOH insignia and had to shave off imperial aquilas all over the place on here. The rotating mechanism on the turrets is magnetized and the from banner area is a nice custom addition. The main pilot is a conversion from several misc. Heresy-era bits I had laying around.

The base is modified from a Dark Arts Miniature Lava flying base. For all my SOH I’m going for a “Pompeii” type theme; a once great city laid low by orbital bombardment. Now that city is a bunch of Slag with SOH forces coming in to finish off the job. A couple random statue heads or remnants of pillars floating in the magma.

My intention is to paint this with a "Meaner" looking version of the SOH army colors. A bit grittier, a bit more banged up with Cythonian and chaos glyphs on it. The engines will have a Blue OSL and the consoles on the gunners and pilot will also have a Blue OSL effect.