Well, seems we have done okay with the blog so far... Lord Halfpenny, 6thDegree and myself (Siph) have been plodding away for a few years now and the Blog started as a forum where we could share eachother's work as we don't live in the same towns. Over time it grew into a sharing site for our ideas and painting and batreps etc. for anyone who would come read.

And looking at the Stats from Blogger, a few readers pass through every month. Thank-you all for dropping by and often leaving some constructive comments or praise. Thanks.

A few pictures here show the content from some of our projects, other than the Titans painted by Slayer Sword Winner 2014 - Richard Gray, the most popular picked up via Ron at From the Warp being the Sternguard Bolter Conversion and Lord Halfpenny's Landraider Terminus. Plus plenty of Daemon, Ultramarine, Relictor, Necron, Tyranid and Iron Warrior content along the way.
Now, as a thank-you and because we are feeling generous, we feel like giving away a single prize to a random Follower and Comment. All you have to do for a chance to win a genuine (not cheap Chinese copy-how I detest!) Forgeworld Macharius Vanquisher Super Heavy Tank worth over £110 is be a follower of the WeeMen Blog and leave a Comment to this post. Simples.

Once we randomly pick a comment/follower and let you know via the next post - contact us with your email and we can sort posting it to you!

It's here waiting for you. Thanks for following us and commenting here for a chance to win the prize!  Siph, Lord Halfpenny and 6thDegree.