Such little time for painting recently! I've been working hard on lot of other projects, and have had even less time to photograph what I've painted!
Today I managed to picture Rorschach, aka Walter Kovacs, of the Watchmen band.
As with almost every Batman miniature I've purchased so far, this figure was great fun to paint.
I went with a fairly traditional Watchman colour scheme. The trousers are a deep purple colour (mixture of Abaddon Black and Daemonette Hide), but I chose to leave off the pin-strips that Knight Models has on the website version.
The Rorschach "blot" on the mask was interesting to paint; I used Nuln Oil to add a pattern, then added an Abaddon Black pattern inside that.
Knight Models do fabrics really well; the detail on this coat was a pleasure to paint!
The skulls on the base are some old resin bits I bought from Black Cat some years back. I thought that they fit the "nuclear apocalypse" vibe of the movie and comic. Overall, very pleased with this miniature.
Next up will be some more Batman Miniatures Game models - Robin and Black Widow!
Batman Miniatures Game: Rorschach of the Watchmen
by Gorman Sawyer | Nov 2, 2014