Heresy upon heresy - I managed to squeeze in a little painting time this weekend, and started laying in the purples and metals on the Contemptor for the Alpha Legion. As alluded to previously, I'm going with the description of the Alpha Legion armour from the book Legion, where it's mentioned a few times as being purple/indigo. This is also shown on the cover art, where it's definitely a more blueish-purple than that found on the Emperor's Children.
I tried a couple variations and came up with a reasonable approximation, I believe. I went with a more dark and oily metallic on the joints and undercarriage, and a blue-tinged silver for the trim.
The ol' color wheel suggests the complimentary colors are green (suitable for the legion symbology) and yellow/orange, which will be used on the eye lenses, power cables, etc. So far, so good!
Heresy Era Alpha Legion – Dreadtober Contemptor painting begins!
by Mordian7th | Oct 18, 2015