As soon as I saw the initial leaked pics of the Killteam:Rogue Trader set I knew I had to get my hands on it (and I'm in a similar boat with Blackstone Fortress), and over the last couple weeks I've been working my way through the dozens of models. Finally got them to a point where I could take some pics!

While I really wanted the box set for the Rogue Trader minis, I knew that if I didn't paint up the Nurgle dudes first I might not ever actually find the motivation to paint them. Don't get me wrong, they're beautiful, characterful sculpts but if I'm honest I don't much care for the Nurgle aesthetic. I'm a Tzeentch man at heart! Nevertheless, I held my nose, pulled out all the gribbly greens and yellows I had and got to work!

The set includes a ton of insects, slugs, bugs and nurglings! I really dug that every single one is different and they are quite characterful. I tried three separate green skintones across the various models which is more evident on the nurglings. It's subtle, but I think it helps them from being too same-y.

The three corrupted servitors are probably my favorite models from the Gellarpox side. A rather cool fusion of the Plaguebearer and Servitor look!

The four 'big guys' were entertaining, and you can really see the skin tone variations on them. Thoroughly disgusting models all around, and at the end I'll admit I had a pretty good time painting them.

Once the Gellarpox Infected were complete I could dig in to the models that got me interested in the box set in the first place, the Elucidian Starstriders! Thoroughly enjoyed painting each of the models in the set and I kinda wish there were more of 'em!

First up were the armsmen and I'll admit the color scheme sort of got away from me on 'em. I try to keep my colors to a three-set maximum, but after getting the red, white and blue down on the clothes and armor, I knew their weapons needed to pop, and they got yellow housings. Riotous, but perhaps befitting a Rogue Trader entourage - A group of folks not known for their restraint!

The other five models in the set are each a bit more individualist. The medicae got the contractually-obligated white labcoat and the tech-envoy got the usual -Martian red. The death cultist was done up in red and black (naturally) and the good boy got some armor to match the armsmen and a doberman color scheme. Finally the rogue trader herself got some Mardi Gras green/purple/yellow to help her stand out from the rest of the force a bit.

All in all this was a really fun bunch of models to paint up and I'm 100% looking forward to taking on the wider array of models coming out with Blackstone Fortress next week. Can't wait to get 'em in front of the painting servitor!

In other news, got my event tickets purchased for Adepticon, which mean that there's more heresy on the horizon now that I have a better idea of what I'll need to take with me to the event. In a slight change of pace I'll also be participating in the Necromunda campaign on Saturday out there, and am already scheming on what to take! Gonna be good times!