Here are the first 5 Grey Hunters these will be part of my first Razorback pack.. All of my Grey Hunters will be wearing Mk 4 and Mk 6 armor.The second Hunter from the right still needs the toes of his boots GS'd; they are going to be the striped toes that were prevalent during the RT days. I should have the 6th Hunter wearing Mk 4 armor done tonight. Tomorrow I'll be adding the Night Runner badge to them as the mold should be fully cured now.

Here is an update on the Ven Dread. I decided to give the red DCCW a go and I really do like it. Red is the main contrasting color to my PA Wolves so the Dread need some too.

Skeld also is getting a new weapons option; the often underestimated twin linked Autocannon. This conversion is completely inspired by Grey Death of Paint Corps and Dakka fame.