Got around to some kitbashing today. Here are the results:

First up are the plasmagunner and Sergeant for the first squad of my outflanking infantry platoon. The plasmagunner uses legs and a head from the Catachan command sprue, a Cadian torso, and the plasma gun from the Forge World Renegade weapon sprue. The Sergeant uses Catachan legs, torso and head from the Empire Militia sprue, and arms from the Cadian and Catachan command sprues.

Next up I have the first two members of my premier Veteran squad. On the left in the first picture is Corporal "Moose" Picard, who is based off the classic Cadian Lieutenant, with a head from the Empire General and a plastic Necromunda shotgun. He'll receive a greenstuff toque later; I didn't feel like breaking out the sculpting tools today. On the right is Private "Probie" Ternay, created by sawing Hero from the Last Chancers in half, sticking on a pair of Cadian legs and a Space Marine Scout shotgun in place of a lasgun.

Finally, a parting shot of the tray that I am slowly assembling and shuffling the completed Guardsmen around on. If you can make out the scribbling on the paper, it's a record of which models I still need to build. I've got a ways to go.