Finally got around to working a little more on the Thirster. Been busy with work and a few things so I haven't gotten a chance to do too much. I also picked up a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch that I was putting together but that will be my next project to post about. So onto the Bloodthirster.
Basically I have done lots of layers of wash. In these photos I have one wing done and the other without any wash. On the membrane of the wings I painted it blood red and layered washes. I started with baal red wash then a couple of layers of devlan mud, then red, then a coupla more layers of devlan mud. I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. I am debating if I want to do some highlighting, but for now I am calling them done.
As for the skin and the arms/bones of the wings I drybrushed a little blood red, then some blazing orange. Afterwards I applied 4-5 layers of baal red wash. I am pleased with how it turned out but again I may have to do some highlights later to complete it. But as before, for now it is done. When I get colour on everything I will decide about any highlights I may or may not want to do. I have also started to colour a bit of the fur with scorched brown. More info on the fur in later posts. So here are a few updated pics:
So that's pretty much it for now. Hoping to find the time this week to maybe finish this guy. I have a ton of other stuff to get working on as well haha.
Bloodthirster 2
by Rhawb | Jun 6, 2010