Oh Hans, you are such a great looking model and were so fun to paint, but why oh why are you so expensive and lackluster? It makes baby Jesus sad. :'(
I understand your range and possible instant death ability should make you somewhat expensive, but the ability to only shoot one guy at a time and having to cast a spell just to use your "special ammo" makes it really hard to justify adding you to the crew. Stop being such a high class whore and lower your standards a bit!
Other than the fact that I won't really ever run him, Hans is a great model. He just seems to have so much character to him. I love the sniper rifle and trench coat look. The goggles were a nice touch as well.
I really liked the way Johan's leather gloves and boots had turned out with the layered Devlan Mud wash, that I decided to try it out on Han's coat.
I added a layer of Badab Black to the lower coat section to darken it up a bit, just to break up the colors. It seemed to turn out well.
The goggles I glazed with a transparent green ink? that I got from somewhere. It's a nice bright green that gives a definite green color, but still lets you see the base color slightly underneath. I'll have to experiment with it some more just to get a feel for it.
His pants turned out better than expected. I gave them a slight drybrush of Space Wolves grey, and it allowed the creases to show up just enough so that the pure black pants didn't seem so flat.
Malifaux- Hans
by Confused_Guy | Sep 21, 2010