Having taken a bit of a break from painting I decided I should get of with getting my Khador onto the scenic bases I have.

When deciding on bases I didn't want to do the usual snow that Khador always have. Since I painted them up shiny metal I wanted rusty metal bases as if would set off nicely, keep with the steam punk vibe I like and give me a chance to try out weathering powders.

There where a couple of things I noticed, firstly you can apply the weathering powers very heavily, when you you varnish them it tones them down quite a lot. Secondly don't worry too much about making mistakes since they aren't fixed on till you varnish them you can just wipe them off and try again.

On the topic of varnish, initially I had painted, weathers and varnished the bases before pinning the model but they superglue caused the varnish to go all milky around there feet requiring me to touch it up. Best way is to paint it, pin the models on then weather and varnish them.

As you can see the end results look pretty good, just in time for my first warmachine tournament tomorrow :)