At the beginning of last year I made some hobby resolutions to try and achieve during the year.  I'll go over them again so you can see how I went:

1. Update the Blog
I'd like to get back into the habit of updating this regularly. I'd had good intentions late last year but kept putting it off with the result being a large amount of small posts towards the end of the year. My goal is to make at least two posts per month.

Well excluding one month I succeeded at this objective.  I was on a bit of a low that month hobby wise and wasn't particularly interested in anything so there you go.

2. Finish my Sisters of Battle
This is the army I keep on saying I will get finished but never do. My current goal is to have 1500 points painted in time for the Gladstone Tournament in May. The army is currently basecoated with three colours but I want them finished!

 Errrrr, they're still not done.  They are however all technically painted with a minimum of three colours, drybrushing, shading etc.  I'm hoping to truly finish them early next year.

3. Paint my Blood Bowl Team
This is a smaller short term goal that I can see quite easily slipping by. I had planned to have them done by now but I haven't, so on the list they go.

I was going through some boxes sorting out my Warhammer stuff in getting ready for the move and came across these guys.  They haven't been touched since my last update on them unfortunately.  During the year I manage to pick up the boxed game rather cheap and I've scored some extra model to fill out the teams, so I'm really keen to see something happen to these models soon.

4. Paint my Flames of War army
This is a new thing. Over the past few months, I've decided to start playing Flames of War, and excellent 15mm WWII game. I currently have a Panzer Grenadier Platoon and Command HQ. On the way are some Panzerknackers, a pair of Sd Kfz 231 8-rads and three Panzer III N's along with a copy of the new Eastern Front book that is released in a few days. I'd like to try to stay mostly on top of this army and paint it as it comes in.

They're undercoated.  Does that count?

5. Try new painting techniques and paints
I'd like to increase my exposure to other things. High on that list is trying out some of the Acrylicos Vallejo range of paints. I'd also like to learn new techniques and styles in preperation for painting my rogue trader army that is still in the collecting phase but soon to be ready for assmbling and painting.

Whilst I still haven't tried out the Vallejo paints that I have bought yet (see the above point as to why), I have experimented with new painting and modelling styles and techniques.  My greenstuffing skills have developed and I want to push the boundaries even further in the new year.  I've also been using a wet pallet for all of my painting lately which has greatly improved my speed and quality.  I've also been using washes and other techniques, adding to painting repertoire.

All in all I've achieved about 2.5 out of my five goals which by any margin is pretty lame.  Well there's always next year, so a new hobby resolution imminent.  Have a good New Year and I hope to see you all again in 2011.
