Sternguard Veteran Sergeant

This was another experiment of min for my new army ‘Luna Wolves’. After reading the first three books out of the Horus Heresy set. I realized i had to create an army along these lines, more along the lines of, Horus never turned too chaos and stayed true his father. They carried on upgrading their Armour thus becoming the same as his brothers legions.

Anyway, all the colours and techniques were done due to previous and experimenting on making him look as best as possible. The colours were based on the second book 'False Gods’ front cover. 

So here goes, the colours revealed. I cant say the mix to the point but ill try explaining it:


Codex Grey mixed with Skull White - Mixed until its light but not to light and dark just not too late. Try matching it to the cover.

Shoulder pad eagle

Skull white

Badab black

Drybrushed with Skull white


Merchite Red

Blood red down one side leaving a small amount darker

Highlight Blazing orange a small amount

Skull white a small light down the right or left side with a small dot of white above it.

Green leaves

Dark Angels Green

Snot Green

Thraka Green

Highlight Goblin Green


Boltgun Metal

Badab Black

Highlight Chainmail

Chest Eagle


All ribbons and Red stuff started out with Merchite red and was finished off with Blood red highlight