So my dad is still sticking around, but he's leaving the country on Saturday for almost a month.  In the meanwhile, I've purchased some items in preparation for him.

  • A few Liquitex paints to make into washes, from Michael Kan's site.  I've had success with the Paynes Gray in the past, so I thought it would be nice to give the rest of them a shot.
  • My art teacher agreed to help me get some real 'quality' brushes, Raphael 8404 series, sizes 0 and 1, along with me getting this brush soap/preserver a la From The Warp
  • Finally, an acrylic box frame to use as a painting station/tray from the now non-existent WeeToySoldiers site.
I told my dad that the paints and the box frame were for a project, he'll never know =).

Another thing, I'll post some pics later on, when I get everything together, Saturday maybe?  Also, on Sunday, I'll be down in Glendale for the Free Ultramarines Movie screening.  Is anyone else going to be there?