Well, I'm finally doing an update to the ol' blog. I've been sick the last few weeks. So, not a lot has been going on. I played in an 1850pt RTT Saturday. I went 1-1-1 and ended up in 5th overall. My first game was a 13-14 loss against a DoA list. He had about 9 kill points in 4 units but, I couldn't get him tabled and that's what I needed for the win.

  My second game was against Frank and his Chaos list. It was a bloody blood for the Blood God game. I managed to get the win on the last shot of the game. As always it was a pleasure playing Frank. He took the 2 pics above.

  My third game was against Little Will and his BA biker list. We ended up drawing on the primary. It's always a pleasure to play LW. He cracks me up.

  On the hobby front, I've finished 15 Blood Claws, put these nifty new banners(made by my buddy Crusher Joe)on the Praetorians, and started some Howling Banshees for The Girl's Memorial Eldar Army. I hope to have some pics of them next week. The above photo was shot by Real Genius last week during a game with Caldera02 and the shot below was taken during an epic game between Jwolf and I.

   I'm probably not going to get many games in this week due to work. But next Saturday, I am playing in an RTT in Killeen. It's a "hobby" event with a different comp system. We'll see how it works. Y'all take care!

Go Roll Some Dice