Disclaimer: No, I am not slamming the President. I though this was pretty funny!

So, change. Is it good or bad? It really depends on the kind of change, as well as how much time it takes to let the truth be known. Hopefully, my change in my Tau army will be fast, good change.(Note the hope)
So, on to the change.

I'm taking more Devilfish in my armies. Not only have I had good luck with them in the past, they make great mobile terrain. I'm also not going to take pathfinders, as I am finding they don't actually do much for my army. Maybe I'm using them wrong, but hey, to each his own. I'm also going to start twin-linking all of my Battlesuit weapons. No more only making half of my Missile Pod or Plasma Rifle shots when I'm stuck in a corner 12 inches away from charging terminators!
So, with out further ado, I present the Tau JSJ-Annoying List of Being a Tau!

Shas’El – 89
  TL Plasma Rifle, Flamer, HWMT
 Bodyguard – 148
    2 Shas’vre, TL Plasma Rifle, Flamer, HWMT
Shas’El – 89
  TL Plasma Rifle, Flamer, HWMT
 Bodyguard – 148
    2 Shas’vre, TL Plasma Rifle, Flamer, HWMT

XV8 Team – 141
  3 Shas’ui, TL Missile Pod, Flamer
XV8 Team – 141
  3 Shas’ui, TL Missile Pod, Flamer
XV8 Team – 141
  3 Shas’ui, TL Missile Pod, Flamer

Fire Warrior Team – 145
  6 Fire Warriors, Devilfish w/ DP
Fire Warrior Team – 145
  6 Fire Warriors, Devilfish w/ DP
Kroot Carnivore Squad – 88
  10 Kroot, 3 Kroot Hounds
Kroot Carnivore Squad – 88
  10 Kroot, 3 Kroot Hounds
Piranha – 75
  Fusion Blaster, TA, DP
Piranha – 75
  Fusion Blaster, TA, DP

XV88 Broadside Team – 160
  2 Shas’ui, TA
XV88 Broadside Team – 160
  2 Shas’ui, TA
Hammerhead – 165
  Railgun, BCs, DP, MT

Total - 1998

Here are my tactics.
1-Broadsides set up in the corners, with a kroot squad to bubble wrap them. These guys aren't meant to survive that long, just long enough to help take out heavy armour/MCs, while distracting my opponents from my main force.

2-My Devilfish (with FWs inside) set up wherever I need them to (usually center of board) with my Hammerhead. My 3 TLMP battlesuit squads will be JSJing out from behind these and moving along behind them so they stay out of LOS; sort of a mobile tank wall.

3-My 2 HQ squads will stick close to my tank wall or follow my piranhas, hunting MEQ, TEQ, and anything FNP that gets within range. I might make some changes to give these squads at least one shield drone each.

4-Finally, my piranhas will be speeding up to block off travel for large tank mobs, infantry, etc.