(Mortis Pattern Dreadnought made by Ron from From the Warp/Black Dot Barrel Studios)

Hey everyone, Xethik here with a list of my own. I've been a bit too busy to get to deep into the new codex, but to say the least I'm very excited. I'm sure most readers will have some ideas of their own or have seen some other bloggers post their lists, but I haven't seen much like this list I'm messing around with. It isn't the most competitive (as those seem to be spamming Coteaz+Henchmen, sadly) and I didn't really get into anything too new, so I will be posting up some more lists soon, I hope. Anyways, onto the list.
Grandmaster - [240]
Psycannon, Blind and Rad Grenades 
Librarian - [165]
Summoning, Shrouding, Quickening (perhaps Might instead) 
5 man Grey Knight Terminator Squad - [230]
Psycannon, Master-crafted Daemonhammer, and 3 Halberds 
10 man Grey Knight Strike Squad - [275]
2 Psycannons, Master-crafted Daemonhammer
10 man Grey Knight Strike Squad - [275]
2 Psycannons, Master-crafted Daemonhammer
8 man Purifier Squad - [272]
2 Psycannons, Master-crafted Daemonhammer, 5 Halberds
Heavy Support:
Dreadnought - [136]
Two Twin-linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition, Searchlights
Dreadnought - [136]
Two Twin-linked Autocannons, Psybolt Ammunition, Searchlights
Land Raider Crusader - [271]
Multi-melta and Psybolt Ammunition, Searchlights
Total: 2,000 points on the head

Terminators go in the Land Raider Crusader with the Grandmaster and Librarian while everything else follows in their own transport. Everything is mech'd up. Grandmaster can use his Grand Strategy to make Purifiers scoring if needed or to give some reroll 1's to wounds. Scout on all the Rhino-units wouldn't be terrible, either. Anyways, there are 9 "Psycannons" in the army and 8 Twin-linked Strength 8 Autocannon shots, which is nice for demeching and killing infantry. A bit of a lack of anti-horde in the list, but I think the Storm Bolter shots and S5 Hurricane Bolters will gun down large groups somewhat easily.

If positioned correctly, the Librarian should be able to give stealth to almost every vehicle, meaning 3+ cover saves or 6+ if they don't normally have one. Quickening/Might of Titans are both used on your own turn, meaning I won't be trying to use too many psychic powers in my opponents turn to have to make tough choices, for the most part.

Strike Squads keep away deep striking meltaguns and drop pods as well as act as a really strong midfield squad. With the Land Raider ahead of their Rhinos, they would be at the back left and right corners of it keeping up a large Warp Quake area while Purifiers are snug between the two Rhinos, but hopefully with enough space to move around any immobilized vehicles. I could swap one Strike Squad for another Purifier, but I would like the scoring without having to rely on Grand Strategy, which can give the nice re-roll or Counter-assault/Scout.

Dreadnoughts follow being the two Strike Squad Rhinos, most likely, shooting at your opponent as they move up.

I really like the way the list looks like it would play, but I do want to try out Razorback with Twin-linked Psycannons and Interceptor squads, so I may kill two birds with one stone in my next list.

PS: Yes, Grey Knight still have to buy Searchlights. It's as if they are so brave that they forget their flashlights at home...

What do you guys think? Any major flaws? Any quick improvements?